TMap® Suite Test Engineer

The IT industry is changing rapidly and as a result, the tester profession becomes more and more complex. In recent years, the number of new development methods and IT technologies increased. Many aspects of daily life are now fully supported by the use of software, which means the importance (or demand) of functional and high quality software also increased.

The TMap Suite is the result of a complete renovation of TMap to optimally support the tester in a new era. The TMap testing method has a long history. Hundreds of organizations around the world are now using TMap, making TMap a leading standard for testing.

TMap Suite prepares a candidate to take on the testing challenges of our time.

TMap® Suite Test Engineer is based on three sources which together constitute the TMap Suite.

These are:

  • The book "Neil's quest for quality, a TMap HD story". This book describes the new TMap Human Driven approach, which is specially developed for the new Agile and Human Driven world that is introduced in more and more organizations. The process is no longer leading, but the team, in which the testers themselves decide how to use a quality-driven approach to achieve the desired result.
  • The book "TMap NEXT for result-driven testing." This approach suits the more traditional development environments, and is still relevant in many organizations.
  • The building blocks of the website describe specific test solutions to problems. These building blocks can be used in a flexible way by testers during their testing activities.

The workbook is based on these three sources and is mandatory exam literature.

Target Group

The TMap® Test Engineer module is primarily intended for people for whom testing is a daily activity: (junior) professional testers. The module is also suitable for users, developers and managers who test information systems and software products. General knowledge in the field of system development and six months to one year of work experience in the testing field are recommended.


Holders of the TMap Suite Test Engineer certificate know how tests must be prepared, specified and executed. They know which techniques, infrastructure, and tools can be used for this purpose, and how this fits within the life cycle of a testing process.

In this certification, the test coordination and management tasks, such as setting up a test plan and creating a budget, are not tested. This is a part of the TMap Suite Test Master certification.



Exam content

Candidates are being tested on the following topics:

  1. Framework and importance of testing (20%)
  2. TMap activities and TMap NEXT phases (45%)
  3. Test design (35%)

Exam details

Number of questions:                         30

Pass rate:                                              65% (20 of 30)          

Open book/notes:                                 no        

Electronic equipment permitted:       no